Everything You Need to Know About Photocatalytic Oxidation


Owning a house is highly beneficial because it’s an investment that could last a lifetime. Aside from having a place to call your own, its value also appreciates over time, meaning you can get more returns if you decide to sell later. However, being a homeowner is also a responsibility; part of this is maintaining good indoor air quality.

Indoor air is crucial because it’s the air you and your family breathe daily. Poor indoor air quality can cause various health problems, including respiratory problems, headaches, and fatigue. It can also aggravate existing conditions like asthma and allergies. For this reason, many homeowners use various air purification methods, such as photocatalytic oxidation (PCO), which few people know of. For this reason, we’ll discuss the details in this article.

How Photocatalytic Oxidation Works

Photocatalytic oxidation is a process that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to break down pollutants in the air. It also uses a catalyst to speed up the process. This technology is usually used in commercial and industrial settings but can also be used in homes.

There are two types of photocatalytic oxidation: indirect and direct. The former uses UV light to break down pollutants on a surface, such as a filter, where the air is cleaned when it passes through. On the other hand, the latter uses UV light to break down pollutants in the air directly.

PCO and Air Ionization

Air ionization is a type of air purification technology that uses electrical charges to remove contaminants from the air. Air ionizers use a high-voltage electrical charge to ionize (or charge) particles in the air. These charged particles are then attracted to oppositely charged surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, and floors, where they are removed from the air.

Air ionization can be used in conjunction with photocatalytic oxidation. In this case, the ions produced by the air ionizer can help break down the air pollutants more quickly.

Ionization can be used to remove various contaminants from the air, including:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Allergens
  • Dust
  • Smoke
  • Pet dander
  • Mold spores
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Air ionizers are available in various formats, including:

  • Portable units
  • In-duct units
  • Stand-alone units
  • Whole-house units

The Benefits of Photocatalytic Oxidation

Aside from good indoor air quality, PCO also yields other benefits, such as:

No Ozone Created

Some air purification systems use ozone generation to remove contaminants from the air. However, ozone is a colorless gas that can harm people with respiratory problems or allergies. On the other hand, PCO air purifiers don’t produce any ozone because these systems use UV light to break down contaminants, so they only release oxygen into the air.

No Chemical Reactions

Unlike other air purification methods, photocatalytic oxidation does not use chemicals to break down pollutants. This means there is no risk of the chemicals being released into the air and harming people.


PCO air purifiers are safe because they don’t produce harmful chemicals. Also, these systems use UV light to kill bacteria and viruses, so they don’t emit any harmful UV rays.

Investing in a PCO Air Purifier

PCO air purifiers are safe because they use UV light to break down contaminants. There is no risk of chemicals being released into the air, and these systems don’t produce any ozone. They’re also easy to use because they don’t require any chemicals or maintenance. These systems can be used in any room and can be turned on and off as needed.

However, PCO air purifiers are more expensive than other air purifiers because they use more advanced technology. Also, these systems only work well in small spaces, so they might not be suitable for large rooms or homes. Regardless, their effectiveness and safety are still worth the investment.


PCO is a technology that uses ultraviolet light to break down contaminants in the air, making it an effective and safe way to purify the air in your home. For this reason, you should consider investing in a PCO air purifier that works for your specific needs. When you do, your home will be a healthier and safer place to live.

If you’re looking for air purification systems, Air Purifier For Home can help you! We offer various resources to help you decide what air purifier to get and have other tips for maintaining a clean home. Visit our website today to subscribe to our newsletter and receive a free e-book!

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