The Dos and Don’ts of Placing Your Air Purifier at Home

Air purifier in living room

An air purifier is an excellent means to go if you want to maintain excellent air quality in your home. They can help cut down dust and other airborne particles, reduce odors, and even remove volatile organic compounds from the air. However, it’s essential to ensure you’re using your air purifier correctly to get the most out of it. 

Here are some dos and don’ts of placing your air purifier at home.


1. Place Your Air Purifier in the Right Spot

When determining where to place your air purifier, choose a site close to where you spend most of your time. This will ensure that the air purifier has the best chance of filtering out any pollutants in the air.

2. Place Your Air Purifier in the Central Area of Your Home

This will ensure the air purifier can reach all areas of your home and will be able to circulate the air more effectively. 

3. Put Your Air Purifier in the Area of Your Home Where You Spend the Most Time

This will help you to breathe in the cleanest air possible. 

4. Place Your Air Purifier Close to the Source of the Pollution

This will ensure the air purifier can catch the pollutants before they spread throughout the home. 


1. Place Your Air Purifier near a Window

Placing your air purifier near a window can cause more pollutants to enter your home. This is because windows allow allergens, pollen, and other particles to enter the house, which can be re-circulated by your air purifier.

2. Place Your Air Purifier in a Damp Area

It’s essential to make sure your air purifier is placed in a dry area. This will help to prevent the filter from becoming damp and will also help to reduce the risk of mold and mildew buildup.

3. Place Your Air Purifier in an Enclosed Space

When placing your air purifier, ensure there is enough space around it for the air to circulate. Placing an air purifier in an enclosed space can cause the air to turn stale, which can reduce the air purifier’s effectiveness.

Should You Get Air Purifier at Home?

Air purifiers are designed to reduce the level of pollutants in the air, making them a great way to improve the air quality in your home. Here are four benefits of getting an air purifier at home:

1. Improved Indoor Air Quality

The primary benefit of an air purifier is that it can help promote the air quality in your home. Air purifiers are designed to reduce the amount of dust, pollen, smoke, and other airborne pollutants in your home. This can help reduce the risk of allergies and other respiratory problems.

2. Reduced Allergens

Allergens are tiny particles that can cause allergic reactions in some people. Reducing the volume of allergens in your home can help reduce the risk of allergies and asthma attacks.

3. Reduced Pet Dander

Pet dander is a common allergen that can cause allergies and other respiratory problems. Air purifiers can help diminish the amount of pet dander in your home, making breathing easier.

4. Reduced Odors

If you have pets or smoke in your home, then an air purifier can help reduce the odors in your home. An air purifier can help filter out the odors in your home, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.


Understanding the dos and don’ts of placing an air purifier at home is essential to get the most out of it. It is necessary to keep the air purifier away from any walls and furniture to allow for good airflow and clean the filter regularly to keep it working optimally and to keep the environment dust-free. Following these guidelines will ensure you get the most out of your air purifier and keep the air in your area clean and healthy.

Air purifiers can be an excellent option for those with allergies, asthma, or other airborne illnesses. They can also be beneficial if you want to reduce the dust, pet dander, and other airborne pollutants in your home. With the information provided in the Air Purifier For Home blog, you should now be better equipped to make a knowledgeable decision about whether or not an air purifier for your home is a suitable choice for you.

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